I`ve said it before & I`ll continue to say it until I stop breathing...I LoVe FRee MuSiC, correction I love free DoPe MuSiC!!! So when I came across this joint up on HiP HoP CaNaDa DoT CoM I couldn`t help but share this joint with y`all. The beatS, in my opinion are at least 3 timeS iLLeR than the originalS! Vancouver, Canada`s Blunt a.k.a. Bluntologist did a great job breathing some new Life into AZ`s "A.W.O.L" (ya know he`d love it too!). Thanks a lot for the tuneS homie, keep them BaNGeRS comin`!!!

1 comment:
Hey what are the chances that we can get a re-up on the link,I've been searching for this for years and all the links are dead
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